Mysteries, Toe Goblins, and Adventure Await!

Beware…they’re watching.

If you’ve picked up this book, that means you’re either:
A) A curious kid looking for a good story.
B) A concerned grown-up wondering why there’s a book about goblins stealing toes.

Now, let’s get something straight. Most people will tell you that goblins aren’t real. That they’re just silly little creatures from fairy tales, hiding under bridges and stirring cauldrons. Those people are wrong.

I know, because I’ve seen them.

I’ve spent years researching the mysterious valley where these mischievous little toe-thieves operate. They work in the shadows, creeping through floorboards, giggling in the dark, sneaking around bedrooms at night. Their tiny, grubby hands are after one thing and one thing only—your toes.

Why toes? Excellent question. I’d love to tell you. Unfortunately, goblins have a way of making people forget things if they talk too much, and I’d rather not wake up missing a few digits myself. But trust me—it’s weirder than you think.

Now, you might be wondering—who am I, and how do I know so much?

My name is J.S. Alexander, and I am an expert in strange happenings. I have spent years studying secret tunnels, decoding goblin riddles, and trying (unsuccessfully) to invent a way to 100% guard against Toe-Goblins. I’ve also written books about my discoveries, disguised as “fiction,” so grown-ups don’t panic. (You’re welcome, parents.)

But here’s the thing—fiction has a funny way of being truer than you’d expect.

If you’ve ever lost a sock and couldn’t explain where it went…
If you’ve ever heard scratching in the walls at night…
If you’ve ever woken up and felt sure something was in your room, watching…

Then I have bad news. The goblins already know about you.

The good news? You now have this book. Consider it a survival guide. Grandpa Mort has spent years studying goblins and their habits, and with his help, you might just make it through the night with all ten toes intact.

But be warned—once you start reading, there’s no going back. The valley has secrets, and once you know them, they know you too.

Sleep well. And, for the love of all things good—keep your socks on.

J.S. Alexander
(Author, Toe Goblin Researcher, and Highly Paranoid Sleeper)